Ear acupuncture is an independent form of body acupuncture and can be performed independently of it. The French doctor Paul Nogier developed this acupuncture system in the 1950s and first presented it to the public at an acupuncture congress in Germany in 1961. He called his acupuncture system Auriculotherapy and referred to the knowledge of several cultures as well as traditional Chinese medicine. With its 100 ear reflex points, ear acupuncture has the ability to affect the entire organism and can help with a variety of ailments.
Ear acupuncture and its application
Ear acupuncture works on the same principle as body acupuncture. Fine needles are pricked into certain reflex points and left in the skin for a certain time. This sends a stimulus to the corresponding organ or region in the body.
Before treatment, the ear is examined by palpation. If the patient has organ ailments or other complaints, this is often reflected in a change or pressure sensitivity at the corresponding ear reflex points. The ear thus shows when something is wrong in the organism. Then up to six needles are inserted into the ear at the corresponding points. Certain needle combinations have a good effect on some complaints.
The mode of action and application of ear acupuncture
Ear acupuncture is a gentle and effective therapeutic procedure which can be used as a support for many diseases. It is particularly useful for complaints and pain of the locomotor system, as well as for addictions. The first successes with this acupuncture system show up very quickly, which makes it more and more popular.
Through nerve stimulation, it has easier access to the brain and can therefore start working very early. Furthermore, it is noticeable that the shape of the ear, as well as the distribution of the ear reflex points, resembles the anatomy of an embryo with a head pointing downwards. This makes it easy to imagine that the ear is an image of the organism and allows direct access to its areas through stimuli.